Wednesday, May 24, 2006

O Canada

So with my new, big-timer job, I'm going to be traveling a bunch. I just got back from a business trip in Canada; from the beautiful London, ONT. Actually, it's not all that beautiful. And it doesn't have that old Royal Charm like London, ENG has (even though it boasts a Thames River and double-decker bus tours.) No, it wasn't terribly charming, but it was new and different so that's good. Plus, I happened to be in town the same night INXS played a show there. That's not all, they stayed in the same hotel I was in! Not enough? How's this: Tim Farris LOVES restoring furniture and removing corrosion from steel. The numerous groupies who followed him to the hotel bar were less than enthralled about that, but the engineers I was with were digging it! Get it through your head, groupies: rock stars aren't cool! They're techies and dorks like the people you look away from on the street!
Anyhoo, the traveling life may take its toll. There were a lot of late nights at the bar on that trip. For a girl who enjoys falling asleep at 9pm, it all is a bit overwhelming.
Training update: 18 days till the big half-ironman. This past Saturday I did 45 miles biking and 9.5 miles running in about 4 hours. That will be my longest workout until the race. Fortunately it felt good. Let's just hope I can keep my energy level up for another 2 hours during the race. YIKES! By the way, the new bike is AMAZING.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to comment about (except that I really like when you call Canada "Canadia"), but I couldn't just let there be 0 comments, so . . . here ya go. L