Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mill City Reception

I've looked at one reception site so far, and I really like it and hope I won't have to look at any others. It's the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis. The guys I work with like it because of its industrial quality (there's diamond plate on portions of the floor). I like it for that reason too, plus there's some charm that goes along with something as old as this building. Plus, the reception site is small and intimate, which cozies up a cold, old building.

It's my birthday tomorrow, wahoo! Tom is taking me (well, I suggested it, I'm driving, and I may be paying, but it sounds better this way...) to a play tonight called Bug. It sounds very interesting, although really weird. Then tomorrow night, Ariane, Tom and I are going to the Triple Rock for dinner for Po'Boys big as a large baby. Too bad I'm not in training for anything right now, I'm really packing in the food; Po'Boys, Ariane and I baked 2 pumpkin pies last night, and with the leftover pumpkin, I'm making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins tonight, and I think we still have some leftover pizza. YIKES, good thing I'm not trying on dresses yet...

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