Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Age of Technology

Yay! I bought myself a digital camera! Of course I have no time to take pictures and upload them onto my computer, so as of right now, the blog will not reap the benefits. I'll try to take pictures this weekend when we go Christmas Tree shopping.
Thanksgiving was good. We were in St. Louis for Tom's 10-year HS reunion. Quite the interesting crowd. I felt a bit uncomfortable, given that half his graduating class has their PhD's, and the rest is on their way. Such a lowly engineer am I!
As the weekend came to a close, I left St. Louis with porn in my suitcase. Porn! I was complaining of neck pain, and the people hosting us for the weekend gave me a video showing me trigger points to relieve the stress. It was an erotic massage video, produced by Playboy! Our host just laughed and said, don't mind that; it has good information to follow (and men read Playboy magazine for the articles...) I didn't have the heart to tell him I don't have a VCR...

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