Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Year Rewind

OK, OK, I have the morning to myself so I'm ready to talk New Year's... one month later. It was great; I got to see Tom's sister Cindy's dream house she's building, and nearly was convinced to have the wedding there. I got to see Tom's bro Miggi all moved into his new pad in Coconut Grove, and his girlfriend Natasha's cool house in Ft Lauderdale. Mig and Tosh really know how to throw a party too. We had some excellent Tapas (which we'll all attest to helping control our level of soberiety as the night went on... except Roxie,) played games, and everyone came up with good resolutions at midnight. Here are the pics (oh and I'll throw in a picture of the happy couple who got married last weekend, Jenny and Eric):

PS I've started dreaming about my wedding already. 2 dreams about missing it! I don't feel like I'm stressing too much about it and we're way ahead of the game, so I don't know what the deal is. Oh well, planning will have to slow down soon because of the vacations I'm taking. Next weekend, London! 2 weekends later, PDX! The weekend after that, Duluth - with Tom's parents. Maybe the dreams will subside for awhile.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like you had a great time. You are such the traveler. So jealous. I hate this trying to save for a house thing. I had so many wedding dreams. My favorite is this one where the pastor didn't show up, but sent a lady to marry us instead. No biggie right, except this lady wanted to marry so by through the power of crystals and unicorns. I woke up laughing.