Tuesday, May 01, 2007

So Many Things, So Little Time

I've been a horrible blogger lately (or a non-existent blogger, to be more precise.) I haven't even updated my travel blog to include pictures from France. Work is starting to take over my life, from last minute travel plans out of the country, causing me to cancel vacation days and bike trips, to late evening meetings, trying to push projects through different approval boards. I really enjoy what I do, but the stress adds up, and I wonder if the time committment required is worth it. On a more fun note, here's what has been taking up my small amount of spare time:
  • Finding my zen again on the mountain bike at lebanon hills
  • Adding REI to our gift registry
  • Deciding on Croatia as our honeymoon locale
  • Finding out that REI gift cards, that can be purchased on the registry, can contribute to the honeymoon payment
  • Making reservations for a mini-honeymoon to Sedona, AZ
  • Starting up softball season and 5-8 club season again
  • Training for Escape From the Gorge triathlon, in the hopes of qualifying for Escape From Alcatraz
  • Beginning open water training to be able to pace Dave Cameron in his endeavor to swim a double crossing of the English Channel
  • Cleaning my house... Oh wait, that has gone by the wayside...

That's all for now!

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