Friday, June 29, 2007


I just got back from Brazil yesterday morning, and upon returning I found out that I have been ousted from the English Channel team. It hit me hard. Apparently Dave has lost faith in me to 1) keep my training up enough to be able to pace him, and 2) to raise the money I was obligated to raise even though the fundraising deadline is two weeks away. I personally think that all the sacrifices I made in order to support his endeavor should negate the requirement for me to raise funds, but regardless, I signed up for the task with every intention of raising the money. Now I get to tell everyone who was following my progress that I've been asked to step down. That's always a horrible feeling. I just wish he had told me before I wasted a good portion of my summer, winter, last fall, and last summer dedicating myself to the swim.
I was angry enough yesterday to say something to Dave I might regret, but I think I'm over that phase now. I can't promise I'll pretend as if I'm not hurt the next time I see him (oh yeah, he hasn't told me yet in person; he told me through Tom who was ousted from the crew as well,) but I will wish him luck. He'll need it.


Anonymous said...

Oooh . . . that last comment was a zinger! I hope you know that even if Dave didn't have faith in you, other people did. L

Anonymous said...

Dave does not know you! If he did there would be absolutely no question in his mind as to your dedication or the fact that once you commit to something you always come through. Sounds like he may be in over his head (pun intended).
-Someone who DOES know you.