Thursday, December 06, 2007

Random Stories

A lot has happened since I last blogged; I got married, I went on a wonderful mini-honeymoon and took lots of pictures, had a great Thanksgiving here in Minneapolis, and plenty of other things to keep me busy. Wanting to update the blog with reports of all these things in chronological order has kept me from my random entries, and that's the reason why I haven't blogged in awhile. So, rather than tackle the huge task of recounting all those momentous occasions, I'm going to resume the random entries and give updates on the big stuff when I get around to it. But if you want to see a good photo-recap of the wedding, look here:

Anyhoo, I have 2 random stories from last night and this morning which illustrate the utter insanity of some people (and actually make me feel pretty normal.)

1. I was driving by the Edina Auto Shop on 54th and France this morning. Under the sign, there's usually a religious message for all to see: "Prayer: It does a body good." Things like that. Well this morning, I drove by and this was the message: "Cats are little angels with fur." What?!
2. I went to the YWCA last night and there was this woman in a t-shirt bent over adjusting her pink spandex. I thought; that's brave, she's wearing pink spandex. Then she stood up and I saw that the t-shirt was cropped and she was wearing a neon green leotard over the spandex, and when she walked by I saw that it was a thong leotard. Hello Olivia Newton John...


Anonymous said...

That slideshow is amazing Steph! Congrats on some beautiful pictures,,,,

Kelly said...

Your pictures are wonderful, all the best!
